Experienced professional teams
MCM has built a professionally trained and international team in asset management with continuous recruitment and development. The core team has accumulated over 15 years of experience in Wall Street of the States and also managed billions of assets in large financial organizations like UBS and CITIBANK. Other members are masters from well-known universities majoring in finance, economy or mathematics and have years of experience in foreign exchange transactions.

“Wing-footed” system:    
In our transaction room, we are equipped with a perfect system of information from Reuters, Dowjones, Bloomerberg and CNBC, the network is expanded to the entire world and our dealers are concentrating on all financial news all over the world for 24 hours and make reasonable reaction at the first instance.

Excellent returns in investments:
The transaction teams of MCM have remarkable performance for years, the average of annual returns in investment represents beyond 30%. Furthermore, with an efficient risk monitoring system, monthly returns never shows deficit. High profit and stable performance is what MCM proud of.

Customized services:
As MCM has a good relationship with famous foreign exchange dealing organizations, we are thus able to fit completely customer demands or requirements in selecting the composition of monetary goods. MCM aims to achieve the best performance with a “formalized customization”, expecting that our customers will gain the optimal strategy in investment and fit their goal in profit earnings.